
Business Counsel & Ligitation

B.A., Yale College, Philosophy, with distinction.

J.D., NYU School of Law.

Picard v. BNP Paribas (Billion-dollar recovery action by Madoff trustee against financial institution, along with other recovery actions against financial institutions and individuals); WPL v. SAS (Software copyright litigation influencing international copyright law in technology space); Briarcliff v. Fifth Third Bank (Lender liability action involving bank, mezzanine lender, and technology company); Russell Publishing Group v. Brown Printing (commercial contract litigation); Rodriguez v. Vazquez (real estate ownership litigation); Chef’s Warehouse v. Domains By Proxy (UDRP domain name litigation); First Mercury v. Schwartz (malpractice insurance litigation); 165 E 72nd v. Invite Health (real estate litigation regarding a commercial lease); Badillo v. Noel (personal injury litigation); Ma v. Guo LLC (tort action on damage to property); Granger v. PRG (intellectual property litigation), additional cases and counsel in IP, commercial litigation, real estate, corporate dissolution, talent representation, and contracts.

Civil Rights Cases, Individual

First Amendment. Successfully represented a student on First Amendment religious freedom grounds against a university seeking to sanction him for his religious practice. Represented students on First and Fourth Amendment grounds in cases involving free exercise, racial profiling, and unreasonable search and seizure. 

Family Defense. Represented approximately 80 parents in Bronx and Brooklyn Family Court in child protective cases, trials, and appeals, and coordinated with criminal and immigration attorneys. Assisted New York state divorce cases for clients facing domestic abuse.

Immigration, Freedom of Religion, and Hate Crimes. Contributed to detention center religious freedom litigation and participated in federal court amicus brief coalitions on religious freedom and immigration issues. Counseled families and clients in bullying and hate crime cases.

Discrimination. Represented clients with successful settlement in discrimination matter in employment and hospitality areas.

Troupe v. Barbour, S.D. Miss. (helped represent class institutionalized children for whom state failed to provide community-based mental health services. Case reached a settlement in 2017.); D.G. v. Yarborough, M.D. Okla. (investigated and researched federal court litigation against state of Oklahoma on behalf of class of all children in state foster care system based on due process right to safety in custody, focused on abuse in care and multiple moves. Case reached a settlement in 2012.); M.D. v. Perry, S.D. Tex. (researched federal court litigation against state of Texas on behalf of class of all children in state foster care system based on due process right to safety in custody); Brian A. v. Haslam, E.D. Tenn. (monitored compliance with class settlement with state of Wisconsin, focused on overinstitutionalization, safety in care, and mental health treatment); Jeanine B. v. Walker, E.D. Wisc. (monitored compliance with class settlement with state of Wisconsin, focused on placement moves, medical treatment, and institutionalization issues); Henry A. v. Willden (investigated federal court child welfare reform case in Nevada).

Civil Rights Cases, Systemic Reform

“Hugh Hayden’s Poetic Sculpture at ICA Miami,” Arthur, 2022.

“Tom Sachs’ Trinity of Meaning,” Arthur, 2022.

“Kyiv’s Voloshyn Gallery,” Arthur, 2022.

Untitled Miami: Found and Real Objects,” Arthur, 2022.

“Philip A. Robinson’s Craft Portraits,” Arthur, 2022.

“Tintaretto and Contemporaries at Colnaghi Gallery,” Arthur, 2021.

“Hilton Als’ Room of Stories at the Drawing Center,” Arthur, 2021.

“Climb Home: David Trimble’s Hatcher Pass Mountain Race,” Chalet Magazine, 2016.

“L’Eroica Cycling in Chianti,” Cool Hunting, October 19, 2013.

Writing (Arts, etc.)

“South Asians in Contemporary America,” Panel at Columbia Law School, presented by the South Asian Law Students Association. (March 2018).

“Child Representation in America: Progress Report from the National Quality Improvement Center,” 46 Fam. L.Q. 87 (2012) (with Prof. Donald Duquette).

"Whose Child? A Multistate Guide to Divorce, Custody, and Domestic Violence Through the Lens of the Hague Convention," New York Asian Women’s Center (2012) (with Prof. Lauren Burke).

“Funding the People’s Right,” 15 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol'y 619 (2012) (with Prof. Martin Guggenheim)

Martin Guggenheim, “Graham v. Florida and a Juvenile’s Right to Age-Appropriate Sentencing,” 47 Harv. C.R.-C.L.L. Rev. 457 (2012) (Research assistance).

“Civil Recourse as Mutual Accountability,” 39 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. (2011) (with Prof. Stephen Darwall)

U.S. Supreme Court amicus curiae brief in Camreta v. Greene (research for case on state’s ability under Fourth Amendment to interview child without parental consent in case of suspected abuse). (Research assistance)

LaShanda Taylor, “Resurrecting Parents of Legal Orphans,” 17 Va. J. Soc. Pol’y & L. 319 (2010). (Research assistance)

LaShanda Taylor, “A Lawyer for Every Child,” 47 Fam. Ct. Rev. 605 (2009). (Research assistance)

"Draft Protocol for Investigation of Education in New York Juvenile Facilities & Literature Review, Lawyers for Children," (2009) (incorporated in NYCLU report on school-to-prison pipeline).

William Grimm, 28(1) Youth L. News, “Child Deaths From Abuse and Neglect” (2007). (Research assistance)

Children’s Rights, “Hitting the M.A.R.C.: Establishing Foster Care Minimum Adequate Rates for Children” (2007). (Research assistance)

"Social Cognition in Child Welfare Facilities,” Edward Zigler Fellowship in Child Development & Social Policy (2006).

Jean Koh Peters, “How Children Are Heard in Child Protective Proceedings,” 6 Nev. L.J. 966 (2005) (research assistant & author of 10-page section in book version).

“Foster Parents: Who Are They and What Are Their Motivations?,” 26(3) Youth L. News 1 (2005) (with William Grimm, Esq.)

“Foster Parents: Reality v. Perception,” 26(4) Youth L. News 1 (2005) (with William Grimm, Esq.)

“Implicit bias, Social Cognition, and Virtue Ethics.” (Yale College Senior Thesis 2006).

Writing & Research (Advocacy, etc.)

University of Michigan Bergstrom Fellowship (Child Welfare Law), Yale Edward Zigler Education Policy Fellowship (Policy Research), Adrian Van Sinderen Award (Book Award), Arthur T. Liman Fellowship (Civil Rights Law), Richter Research Fellowship, Distinction in Yale Philosophy Major, National Merit Scholarship, Telluride Association Scholarship.

Fellowships, etc.